Kránitz, Lívia – Gál, Tamás – Goda, Pál

Keywords: innovation, innovation performance, knowledge flow, Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System, Common Agricultural Policy JEL: Q16, Q18

The Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) are responsible for the flow of information, knowledge, and innovation between the actors of the agricultural and food sector, as well as between those engaged in education, research, and extension. Strengthening cooperation and interaction between actors has become a cross-cutting objective of the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The CAP Strategic Plans in the Member States aim to develop the agricultural through two interventions (support of EIP operational groups and the provision of knowledge exchange and dissemination measures). However, the AKIS goes beyond the CAP support, as a number of additional actions and incentives under national competence are needed for a modern, knowledge-based agricultural economy. Each EU Member State has developed its own AKIS, according to its specific conditions and needs. Previous studies on the comparison of AKIS across Member States have attempted to collect and analyse the specificities of each Member State, mainly through primary data collection. These studies are less capable of providing an objective comparison of Member States based on a common methodology. Although there are several indicator systems available to measure innovation performance, these indicator systems address the national/regional innovation performance but do not provide an adequate picture of the innovation performance of the agricultural economy.
The aim of this study is to develop a framework for objective benchmarking of the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems supporting the agricultural economy of each EU Member State, therefore the authors have created the AKIS index.
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