Examination of foreign trade on the EU market dealing with winery products

Bozsik, Norbert

The study is dealing with the foreign trade of Hungarian winery products. Analyses performed by means of different indices produced alternative interpretations concerning the market of winery products in the EU. Bottled wine is still an esteemed commodity of the EU market. In wine sold in barrels, the competition and the increasing demand in bottled wine offers a gap for the infiltration of new suppliers as a threatening challenge. The stagnating export and increasing import is typical for the champagne. At present, the international wine market is characterised by a severe competition between the traditional and the new producers, the extension of chains of department stores and their increasing influence, the change in customs of the consumers and the EU regulations, the role of trade marks and of the marketing activities. On the long run, an efficatious marketing and subvention is indispensable in order to secure the appearance on the market (the policy of the common market of agricultural products admits a national supplementation) by export guarantee and credit insurance as revised according to adequate conceptions, moreover, the assessment of the markets of late socialist countries (Russia, Ukraine, etc.) in order to introduce the Hungarian wines, because they were for several ten-year-periods reliable costumers of Hungarian export products at large volumes. As a matter of course, the change in attitudes towards quality is also necessary because demand for higher quality increases also in the eastern part of the world.

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