About irrigated farming on the 30th anniversary of delivery of Lake Tisza and the main canal supplying the Nagykunság Irrigation System

Lengyel, Lajos

Keywords: irrigation, irrigated farming, development of irrigation, climate change, holistic view, subsidies

Irrigation as a factor of agricultural technology serves several goals. It is one means and possibility for intensification of agricultural production. Its introduction requires investments so costs of production will be higher. By irrigation yearly flutuations of rainfall can be reduced and through higher yields risk of production will be lower. The application of irrigation is reasonable not only from a farmer’s viewpoint but because of climate change also from a macroeconomic consideration.
In the past half century planning, execution and operating of the Tiszalök and Kisköre Dam and Irrigation System served many experiences and lessons even for today. It is worth to highlight the holistic view of regional and local water management and irrigation development as well as government interventions from harmonising plans to supporting operation by farms. In the works of asserting agricultural relations formulated in EU documents the government together with its institutions should undertake conspicuous tasks of management and controlling. One most important work is enabling farmers for irrigation development as well as reforming and operation of organisational system of extension service. It is justified to support opportunities as well as material, personal and educational conditions of obtaining informations, especially for users of water. EU and domestic sources for realization of tasks formulated in the New National Development Plan for agriculture and rural development can be rationally used only by a more consistent co-operation ensuring more trust to each other.

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