Archive » 2008 » 2008. 05. » Tenk, Antal: The application of economic mathematics reflected in “Gazdálkodás ”.III

The application of economic mathematics reflected in “Gazdálkodás ”.III
Tenk, Antal
Keywords: input-output analysis, farm level analysis, planning
Introduction of new economic management system in 1968 not only imparted a new impulse to agricultural application of economic mathematical methods but also differenciated their fields of application. While earlier farm-planning dominated among applications, more and more analysis-papers can be found for large-scale farms beginning from the second half of the 1970’s. No doubt that the golden age of agricultural application of economic mathematics was the 1970’s, this was reflected both in the number of papers and the wide field of applications. Approaching the transformation of political regime in 1989, interests on mathematical methods became noticeably slighter. Discovering its reasons would require a separate study. It is worth to consider why leaders of farms operating in a market economy were interested neither in planning nor in analysis. It is even more surprising that also scientists seemed to have forgot about the application of mathematical methods.