Economic evaluation of different land use types in the model area of Bodrogköz

Schneller, Krisztián – Kohlheb, Norbert – Skutai, Julianna – Podmaniczky László

Keywords: land use evaluation, floodlands, change of land use, economic model

This study deals with five settlements (Karos, Karcsa, Pácin, Nagyrozvágy, Cigánd) of Bodrogköz. The main goal of the case-study is to provide a method for the assessment of the economic impacts of land-use planning. The paper shows the connection between economic and land-use models of specific areas. Although the input conditions of the evaluations (e.g. agri-environmental payments) have changed, the framework of the methodology is independent from the input variables, so it can be a useful example for similar assessments.
The first part of the study focuses on potential alternative land use options for the region. We suggested changes in land use on the basis of the so-called ’ecotype’ model. In the second part we present the economic evaluation method of the land use changes. We analyzed the consequences of the suggested conversions based on an economic model. Data collection was done by using questionnaires.
The results indicated that in the studied area a range of significant modifications should be carried out, including especially the reduction of arable land area in favour of forests and grasslands.
The economic assessments indicated that adjusting land use to suit the potential of the land offers economic advantages; that is, when the suggested changes are implemented with the help of agro-environmental subsidies. Our study however, disregarded all other types of costs (investing into new machinery and special equipment), as well as the social (psychological) aspects of conversion. This latter issue should be taken seriously because significant changes often require farmers to engage in entirely new activities. As transition to a new, drainage-based management system influences a larger area, it also demands cooperation from the farmers and the inhabitants.
Researchers and experts consider our evaluation a suitable background for further studies. Our study provides farmers with local information so they can efficiently co-operate in regional land use activities. Similar studies and the continuation of this particular study are suggested in smaller regions within the floodland of River Tisza, where many attempts have already been made to introduce measures of floodland landscape management.
As the case-study area is an important site of floodplain landscape management, our findings may contribute significantly to the wealth of information on the new perspectives of this special farming method. Therefore another aim of the research was to develop a framework for complex assessments of the floodland landscape management methods.

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