Production of and market challengesfor fattened goose and duck liver

Kozák, János

Keywords: goose liver, duck liver, liver market, liver consumption, animal welfare

The global increase in liver production indicates that the demand for this unique product will probably remain on the long term. Production, however, will probably be re-structured in favour of cheaper fattened duck liver. Goose liver on the other hand will remain the top segment within the fattened liver segment. Hungary - the second largest liver producer after France - will be interested in producing both.
Hungary has been a global leader in goose liver production for decades but can expect to see new competitors (e.g. China) in worldwide liver trade. Additionally, the increased duck liver production in other countries may also make it more difficult to export Hungarian liver products. As fattened liver (foie gras) cannot be produced in any other way than the way it is currently done the present requirement of relevant labelling of products made from fattened geese and ducks is the correct solution due to the ever stronger animal welfare movements. This provides customers with fair information, allowing them to make a choice of purchasing of refusing such products.
It would be useful to use appropriate tools of communication to make consumers aware that fattened goose liver is a traditional product of Hungary, which has a unique quality. There are serious social interests (jobs, industry) and economic benefits (export revenue) attached to preserving this industry. To protect the entire liver industry and improve the image of fattened liver it would be possible and necessary to refute extreme and baseless criticism of the production of fattened liver by raising awareness of production technologies which promote animal welfare.

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