Position of the agricultural economy council on the status of the agricultural economy in 2010

Popp, József – Székely, Csaba

Keywords: agricultural sector, agricultural policy, agricultural regime, rural development, protection of the environment

It is concluded that the reduction in the amount of aid brought about a negative phenomenon in the form of declining investments in 2010. Favourable developments included an improvement in the revenues of farmers and an increase in the agricultural and food industry foreign trade balance. The product structure of import and export, however, continues to be a source of concern (the share of processed goods is high in import and low in export), just like a decline in employment and the ratio of crop farming to animal farming. The Report provides an accurate picture of the food economy, i.e. the product line and the issues of disintegration and international competitiveness. Industry participants will remain susceptible to hectic price changes until they develop a relationship based on trust. Efforts should be made to build such trust between suppliers, processing companies and distributors; otherwise it will not be possible to mitigate the strong fluctuation of the prices of certain products.

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