“Tastes and wines” positioning of wines from Csongrad region

Kispál, Gabriella

Keywords: positioning, blind-testing, image, renowned wine, quality

These days, an average person is expected to be aware of the qualities of different kinds of wine: which ones are good and which are not, and.to know when, how and with what certain wines should be consumed. The study investigated the positioning of the different types of wine from Csongrád with questionnaires, blind-testing, laboratory analyses and in-depth interviews. The positioning of the types of wine from Csongrád is important because the economic conditions are rather unfavourable and vertical integration did not occur. The general Hungarian population and wine-consumers are not well acquainted with this wine region and thus they tend to under-position these wines. The blind-tasting study showed that they can compete with wines from such wine regions as Szekszárd, Villány, Eger or the Kunság. Foreigners tend to like the flavour of the wines from Csongrád. These wines are of good-quality and this has to be emphasised so that consumers accept the fact. To create the image of wines is rewarding because, in the long run, consumers tend to choose and appreciate the wines they know and in this case they are less price-sensitive. For this, however, a paradigm shift is needed on the part of the processing industry, because in the long run the system can only be profitable if actual cooperation is realised, the best form of which is the business cluster.

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