Intellectual capital of the community of Lubelszczyzna region – human intellectual capital according to the pilot survey

Weziak, Dorota

Keywords: intellectual capital of region, human intellectual capital, people’s intellectual potential

The new approach to measurement of IC of community was presented. In the conceptualization of the problem it was proposed to treat the IC as a latent construct that is measured via directly observable proxies. The results presented are the final obtained after having discarded some variables due to their lack of fit to the estimated models. It is worth mentioning that such a situation concerned only two constructs – the most complex one – activity, and orientation on self-education. The reason in the former case was its complexity and in the latter – the variable the expenses on education despite highly correlated with willingness to update knowledge, professional skills, take part in workshops (P3) was not significant and therefore discarded. Nonetheless CFA performed provided proofs that the conceptualization was quite good as all observable variables loaded strongly to the factors where they were expected to load. All fit indices, despite not always at the maximum level, were acceptable given the small sample size. The most stipulations concerned the activity factor but it was understandable as this construct was the most complex. Finally, it is important to stress that this model is not and cannot be the only one proper and possible. This is the very first one conceptualized for Lubelszczyzna region and in the future it will be reformulated but do so more research and thus more time and data is needed.