The Situation and Prospects of Labour Management in the Hungarian Arable Crop Production Sector

Biró, Szabolcs

Keywords: arable crop production, labour force, productivity, Q12, J21

Labour management in the arable crop production sector was examined according to European Union EU Member State and farm size group. Based on the results of the management, the sector has a favourable financial position, so the level of employment is stable. Based on the comparison of the EU, specific labour utilisation is favourable and the specific labour deposition is low. However the labour productivity and therefore the labour income and wages are also low, and the backlog of the Hungarian arable crop production sector from the leading market players is significant. According to the Hungarian farm size group analysis, the relatively favourable labour productivity of larger farms can be explained by the extent of the service activities. The Hungarian arable crop production sector directly employs one quarter of the agricultural workforce (115.8 thousand AWU), whereas the sector indirectly contributes to providing 23,5 thousand workplaces in the value chain with the procurement of inputs and nearly 28 thousand workplaces in the food industry also. Further research topics can be to study and demarcate the demand for workforce by logistics tasks.

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