Risk assessment and risk management in internal contro

Reke, Barnabás

Keywords: internal control, risk assessment, methodological recommendations, working process-risk, management risk

The risk-based control system developed on the basis of the simple method presented, serves the interests of proprietors well.

If the farmer is a business:
- short term interests, which primarily manifest themselves in the requirement for increased profit; and
- long term interests, which primarily manifest themselves as a property growth requirement.

If the farmer is a budgetary entity:
- professional management of public funds and property entrusted to him; and
- the practical, effective, successful and economic conduct of public duties.

The method being presented here, which was developed for the classification of risk, is professionally sound and proven in practice. The method is suitable for the selection of high-risk areas of great importance (sectors, public service bodies, businesses, industrial units, departments) and thereby, the creation of opportunities to plan control work based on modern risk assessment.

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