Domestic opportunities and tasks for the development of multifunctional agriculture

Fehér, Alajos – Biró, Szabolcs

Keywords: multifunctional agriculture, country farming, non-commodity outputs

Development of multifunctional agriculture is experiencing a phase delay in Hungary. After surveying a few important conferences and studies by the EU’s FAO Committee and the OECD, we summarise the conclusions of domestic relevance. After systematisation of the characteristics of multifunctional agriculture (fundamentally grouped by socio-economic, production and environmental functions), they determine the most important domestic tasks, which are as follows: contribution to food, raw material and energy supplies, the preservation of country environs, increasing and maintaining biodiversity, and contributing to the stability of country farming. They systematise the factors that may improve or impair opportunities for these and also make recommendations for more concrete, current tasks. These latter, conform to the axes determined by the 1698/2005 EK decree and to the National Agricultural and Regional Development Strategy.

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