Changes in vegetable consumption over the past decade, in light of income categories

Pecze, Dénes – Kiss, Oszkár Zsolt – Székely, Géza

Vegetable consumption fluctuated between 56 and 64 kg/head/year, during the period under investigation, 1993 to 2002. However, while consumption was a mere 42.3 kg/head/year in the lowest income group, it reached 83.7 kg/head/year in the highest income group. It is important to note that in 2002, all income groups consumed fewer vegetables than in 1993! The consumption of preserved vegetables rose in all income groups, but particularly in the highest.

It is notable that there was less variance in the lowest and highest income groups’ consumption of carrots, parsley, onions, ordinary cabbage and savoy cabbage than of green beans, green peppers and tomatoes: the latter having a higher consumption rate among the well-off.

All this may lend support to the influencing of consumer habits and more flexible supply pricing.

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