Production of the chief arable land plants and prospects for the development of livestock

Hegedűsné Baranyai, Nóra

Keywords: livestock, production of arable land plants, long-term trend, future prognosis, cycle

There is a great need for prevailing economic policy to know about the components of agricultural processes and to map past effects and counter-effects in order to develop future agricultural strategy taking these things into account. Continuing past trends, investigations project a reduction in the sown area of wheat and corn and an increase in that of sunflower. The prognosis of production quantity shows that an increase can be expected in the case of wheat, corn and sunflower, which will be further strengthened by the expected future boom in the long-term cycles. Based on a five-year forecast of livestock trends a far from positive picture presents itself, if past trends persist, of a continued reduction in pig and cattle population, while the poultry population can be expected to show a moderate rate of increase. Assuming a continuation of previous cyclical processes, the livestock cycle can be expected to be characterised by boom. This will probably mitigate the basic falling trend in cattle and pigs and will strengthen the growth of poultry production.

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