The assertion and possibilities of measurement of sustainability on the level of communities and small regions

Szlávik, János – Csete, Mária

The topic of sustainable communities and small regions as well as the Bellagio Principles are neglected on both levels that of research and state administration. Therefore, the continuation of investigations as well as the elaboration of a system of indices, which facilitate the assessment of sustainability by comparing the potentialities of similar communities is highly necessary. A clear recognition of the relative position is a precondition of the enforcement of measures promoting the global interests, which express sustainability.

A hypothetically defined system of information and indices expressing sustainability proved to be feasible as far as it could be actualised by data and relevant information comprising statistics, consultations, interviews, local surveys in each relevant community of a given region according to 98 criteria as a mean – on the other hand, the evaluation served as a basis for camparing communities, to draw conclusions upon generalities and formulate recommendations.

The value of the natural environment, variability of the living organisms make up the wealth of the site, the plenty of living waters, a good supply of drinking water, all represent privilegised position within the European Union, thus lively interests are expected in the relevant region.

On the long run, a far reaching program should be developed in order to preserve or restore the natural environment, the natural resources. In this relation, a European experimental program should be considered to realise all the ecological as well as economical aspects of the environmental conservation supported by the local population finding its interest in touristic programs, maintenance of traditional animal husbandry, water management, establishment of multi-purpose water reservoirs, enhancement of green areas, utilisation of thermal wells as spas, moreover, special attention should be paid to the handling or integration of the gipsy population, and jointly, resolution should be found how to reduce the contradiction between areas charged by piled disadvantages and privileged recreation resorts.

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