Distant teaching participants’ opinion of their college

Domán, Szilvia – Radó, András – Réthy, István – Tamus, Antalné

The management of the Charles Robert College considers important to know their students’ opinion of the level of the educational work of the College, and their satisfaction with it. Therefore a primary Investigation was carried out in 2002 reflecting the opinion of 1700 students of the Faculty of Distant Teaching. Results obtained have proved the pleasing fact that the distant teaching participants’ opinion of the college is very positive. The management considers extremely important to intensively communicate this fact with both internal and external PR target groups. They recommend to repeatedly carry out surveys of this kind from time to time. At the same time, they consider necessary to take measures in order to eliminate deficiencies detected. To the management’s opinion, under the conditions of the prevailing hard competition among institutions of higher education, the favourable position and judgement of the College can only be kept by means of continuous innovation, development, and further improvement of the quality of education.

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