An investigation of Hungarian agriculture

Marselek, Sándor – Wölcz, Andrea – Tégla, Zsolt

Unfavourable trends have taken place in Hungary in recent years. Investments into the sector were lower than necessary, and profitability has decreased. Farms have considerably got into debt, and the negative impact of natural factors has also reduced their efficiency. Alternative activities carried out along with farming have not duly expanded either. However, there are large areas in Hungary where eco-tourism, drug plant farming and collecting, product processing, packaging and marketing, local handicraft, extensive production, and the exploitation of natural energy resources could considerably add to the supporting capacity of rural regions. Possible objectives are: to ensure due income for people making their living by farming; to lay the up-to-date economical, organisational and technical foundations of a competitive agriculture; and to exploit advantages deriving from EU membership after the entry of Hungary into the Union. One of the most important tasks is to raise the educational level of labour in order to duly accept and rationally use competition money and EU resources.

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