Regional comparison of farms on the basis of the FADN database

Pesti, Csaba – Keszthelyi, Krisztián – Tóth, Tamás

The territorial structure of Hungarian farms was investigated. The results obtained proved once again that Hungarian farms cannot be dealt with in a uniform way, because the differences between regions they take place in require different approach.

According to the results obtained so far the three Transdanubian regions located in Transdanubia, the western part of Hungary, are more or less equal in respect of farm size, labour productivity, and profitability. Therefore it is recommended to treat these regions in agricultural policy as a uniform system. The efficiency of farms in the regions of Northern Hungary and Northern Great Plain is lower as compared to other regions. Therefore it is recommended to support alternative measures aimed at the improvement of labour productivity in these regions. The region of Central Hungary also requires a different system of subsidies: here, horticulture producing higher value added should be supported to a greater extent in order to enable the farmers of the region to compete with imported goods and meet the changing demands of consumers.

Although the present research is in its initial stage, it enabled several consequences to be drawn, naturally without completeness. Therefore in the future it will be extended to several additional fields, such as the examination of farming co-operatives, or a deeper investigation of livestock and crop farming. Research will be completed also by a number of statistical methods, e. g. deviation, correlation, including the simultaneous evaluation of non-agricultural economic indices, since agriculture is largely influenced by the general development of a region.

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