The effects of the introduction of quality assurance systems on the organizational structure of poultry processing companies

Mikáczó, Andrea – Hajós, László

There are different standpoints concerning quality assurance in food industry companies. Some people say that GMP, GHP, HACCP systems control well enough the requirements to quality and hygiene, which are so important in food production. Others say that, beside these systems, there is a need for quality assurances systems including standards, beside the above mentioned items, in respect of the whole organisation, and environmental protection. To justify the above statement, it is expedient to supervise the systems established under ISO standards by an independent certifying organisation.

This was the reason for examining food industry companies, especially the poultry processing ones. In the course of research carried out in slaughterhouses of the north-eastern part of Hungary, the authors tried to find out if they pay enough attention to quality assurance and in which way they realise it within the organisation.

It could be established that the issue of quality assurance was on the agenda in all companies. The management of the companies has recognised the favourable opportunities deriving from the quality assurance systems, even though at the beginning workers did not like extra work involved, re-training, and the widening of their sphere of activity.

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