Opportunities for the agricultural production and utilisation of biobriquettes

Hágen, István Zsombor – Magyary, István

Keywords: by-product, biobriquette, environmental impact, opportunities for utilisation

The necessary machinery for turning wood waste into briquettes is available in Hungary. There is a clear economic return in the case of dry waste that does not require preparation, as the cost of the raw material and its production cost is negligible. The economic efficiency of creating briquettes from damp material can only be determined based on a concrete analysis of local conditions, depending on raw material preparation. The price of biobriquettes on the domestic market is 30-33 thousand Forints/tonne, which ensures an adequate return for the manufacturing plant. The prepared product – the wood briquette – has advantageous properties. It can be burned in traditional, double flued boilers with good net efficiency and very advantageous flue gas characteristics. Its high heating value, low moisture content and advantageous energy density ensures user acceptance. Although not widely used residentially, it would be a good fuel for fireplaces, tile stoves and mixed-fuel boilers.
As a result of the fuel price changes that have already taken place and which can be expected in the future, this environmentally-friendly fuel will no doubt be in great demand. At the same time, small and medium-sized wood-working enterprises (in the first instance joinery companies and enterprises) can utilise the machines that turn wood waste into briquettes in a new, income-generating solution. Hungary’s agricultural and industrial characteristics are exceptional for the spread of briquette manufacturing; therefore, it is important that the most is made of the inherent opportunities, particularly in those environments that demand sensible and efficient energy utilisation.

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