Recovering competitiveness of the poultry sector

Nábrádi, András – Szőllősi, László

Keywords: poultry sector, problem-tree, goal-structure, international competitiveness, market defencelessness, competitive disadvantages

As a result of diagnosis it can be stated that deterioration of international competitiveness is the most important problem of the Hungarian poultry sector. This statement may have many consequences which directly or indirectly are connected with three aspects of sustainability: economic, social and natural factors. From causal relations of problems discovered in the analysis it has become unambiguosly clear that increasing domestic and international market defencelessness as well as objective competitive disadvantages were the causing factors in the sector. The mentioned disadvantages are due to low long-run profitability and technology level lagging behind competitors as well as absence of modern knowledge and sector strategy. Concentrating on major problems, creating once more a competitive Hungarian poultry sector can be set as a strategic goal, while decreasing domestic and international market defencelessness, increasing profit and technological improvement may serve as specific aims.
Clearing and periodic reconsideration of problems of other livestock sectors can happen in a similar structure, purposefully, together with persons playing a part in product chains. By discovering causal relations of problems within a given sector and constructing a hierarchy of goals action programs and tasks to be completed can be formulated. Timely harmonisation of these tasks as well as treating them as a system justifies creating strategic plans for sectors and the whole livestock production. Preferring some activities and implement them without any consideration to other ones is extremely dangerous.

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