Changes in the judgement of alternative sources of energy by the citizens

Domán, Szilvia – Fodor, Mónika – Tamus, Antalné

Keywords: alternative sources of energy, study of citizens, primary research

The fundamental goal of this paper is to present the changes in the judgement of alterative sources of energy by citizens over three years, using data from two primary research studies. Findings from the oral interviews in 2006 and 2009, respectively, were analysed using descriptive statistics as well as bivariate and multivariable correlation analyses. In summary, we found positive changes: the findings in 2009 were more favourable for all types of energy than in 2006 with respect to awareness, information possessed, mindset ad views. Despite the positive changes, the communication policy intended to address public views on alternative sources of energy should focus on the dissemination of information via high-profile information channels. Additionally, fair, credible and convincing arguments should be communicated at suitable forums, employing a matching opinion leader.

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