A novel way to track livestock in the water poultry industry

Tóth, Ágnes – Ásványi, Balázs – Ásványi-Molnár, Noémi – Sipos-Kozma, Zsófia – Turcsán, Zsolt – Szige

Keywords: aquatic poultry, trackability, radio frequency identification (RFID)

Prior to installing the RFID bird identification technology, the proportion of poultry to be tagged, as well as the costs of installing the RFID bird identification system were assessed.
The paper concludes that to achieve a representative sample, the minimum percentage of animals to be tagged is 11-12% in the event of ducks for roasting, 14-15% for fattened ducks, 12-13% for geese for roasting, and 14-15% for fattened geese. It was calculated that – depending on the proportion of the animal to be tagged – introduction of RFID tracking would cost the company used in the example HUF 198-199 per animal in the initial year. In the subsequent years, however, only a lower replacement cost is incurred (HUF 4000 / production cycle). Although installing a similar system requires extra investment, the application of RFID identification would facilitate compliance with the Statutory Management Requirements (SMR – Package C) that become effective in 2011.

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