The obligation to renew vegetable production in Hungary and the strategic fields of innovation

Hodossi, Sándor – Dudás, László – Fári, Miklós Gábor

Keywords: vegetable production, territory, assortment, canning industry, special products, growing regions, intensity

The climate is changing, and we have to adapt to it. The possible methods of compliance include temporary soil, plant and air covering, water economical irrigation, and the application of retardable fertilizers.
Temporary soil, plant and air covering with plastic sheets is a method applied mostly under temperate climatic conditions. Its key purpose is to enable earlier harvest and to lengthen the picking period. The use of economical irrigation methods can double the area which can be irrigated with the same amount of water. The application of retardable fertilizers can ensure harmonious plant nutrition without top dressing.
The renewal of the Hungarian canning industry is an urgent task. The development of vegetable production is unthinkable without valuable canning products.

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